Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Introducing... CharlieeChick

Hey, it is the new trial writer for The Life and Times of Stardoll and my name is Charl, check out my suite my stardoll username is CharlieeChick. Before I start I just want to say that I am extremely excited to be a trial writer for this amazing blog.

You may be wondering what I am going to post on. Well, I am going to be talking about suites! Yes, thats right, suites. I also will be interviewing stardoll members who have fabulous suites so you can improve your suite. In addition, I will be talking about what's new in the Suite Shop so you can get the latest interior etc. in your suite!

This is all for now, but I am going to be seeking stardoll for some gorgeous suites so you can see for yourself on how to make your suite just as good (or even better!)

All my love,