Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sorry for lack of posts


oh well i put a photo online of what yor makeup could look like, and for presentations you need mozilla firefox


oh okay then

coz i do presentations and i have herd of firefox but i dont use it


wel you need firefox if you want a god presentation


No you don't

I can do good ones without it thank you


well sorry, but you need google chrome or firefox... but firefox works better when it comes to effects




yes effects, specing, shadows backgrounds.

And btw I dont need you to tell me how to do a good presentation because I can do them PERFECTLY FINE without u

look I'm busy blogging so if you need ssomething tell me if not then I shouldnt be teaching you about presentations

I allready know everything there is to know about presentations i have been doing them for a year and i get alot of customers that are all happy with thier result!!

Sweety, I dont need to know about your customer rating, this convo is over and I'm deleting you as a freind

Good hope you do DARLING

Just thought Id post this^^ that girl is a bitch. This post had really bad grammer so I fixed it up.

I just thought she was beautiful. You can buy the whole outfit in Starplazza for 38sd. Go check out my suite, I changed my medoll to look like her, I also nicknamed my medoll Princess Clary.

If you are from the USA just log into stardoll and click HERE. If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy, the dress and poster should be in a Monte Carlo bag in your suite.
If you are from the Netherlands this dress should already be in a starplaza bag in your suite, thanks Halima89! If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to or or .. thanks Marokinaa070

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Close the proxy. The dress should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

If you are from Poland click HERE or Portugal click HERE, If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to or or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Change 'view' to 'finish' or paste this:

Hit enter again. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy. The skirt should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

If you are from the UK then this crystal ball should already be in a Wizards of Waverly Place bag in your suite. If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a UK proxy, go to or or or or
Credit to HTGF for proxes. Since I am from UK I can't test them myself.

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Cross off the proxy. The crystal ball should be in a Wizards of Waverly place bag in your suite.
If you are from Russia then log into stardoll and click HERE. If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to or or

Paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Change 'view' to 'finish' or paste this:

Hit enter again. Once the page has loaded cross off the proxy. The flowers should be in a starplaza bag in your suite.

Ive seen the flowers else where ._.?

Well theres some freebies, btiches and a wedding, also smile cause I love you!

MissHML appology !

MissHML would like me to post her apology for her unacceptable behavior towards the team so here it is:

Miss HML, I would like to thank everyone at The Life and Times of Stardoll for being so supportive over the past week. I really enjoyed being part of the blog and have learnt a lot form that experience. I am really sorry for being slightly angered by not getting a job put now I understand completely and would like to apologize. See you all soon and please wish me the best of luck in finding a new job. Hannah xxx

Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Congratulations to the Royal couple for their 2 kisses on the balcony! Its been an amazing day and now I am off to host a fantastic party with cupcakes, scones and tea. This is a beautiful picture. I noticed Prince William when he saw Kate whispered to her you look beautifl. Enjoy the rest of your day.

They are a beautiful couple, just look at them kiss!

Hannah xxx

Congrats Duke William and Duchess Catherine

Well as you know the Royal Wedding of Prince now Duke Will got married to now Duchess Kate. Tho I couldn't find any up to date photos , like meaning up to date by a few mins .. of them. I found one were they wore saying there vows. I didn't watch all of it because it dragged on it forever! I'll watch it all tomorrow. This was a beautiful wedding, Kate looked amazing tho I didn't fancy all the lacing up top, but it was a beautiful design :) Hope to find more pictures of them.


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Sethis DOOMED is a diamond member of stardoll and I asked her if I could interview her on hacking. Being one of the most kindest people on stardoll she accepted an this is my interview with her:

Have you ever been hacked

Not at all. I have lent out my password, but changed it as soon as I saw my medoll having pink hair and lipstick.

Do you have any tips about staying safe on stardoll?

Don't give out your password! Not even to the most reliable people. Don't give out your email, email password or personal information either.

Sethis DOOMEd also told me about how a few people were pretending they were selling her account!

Thank you to the amazing SethisDOOMED and until next time, goodbye!

Hannah xxx


PPQ is having a 50% off sale :O it's kind of a shocker and big news seeing as PPQ is the most expensive clothes store in StarPlaza! So PPQ lovers now is the time to stock up on PPQ ! i know i am :)

Interview with Natinal Covergirl hamjaii !

1. Did you expect to win?
Well, kind of. I was really hoping I would, but I wasn't sure if I would win.

2. Did you do anything to win e.g. broadcast or spam?
I sent a LOT of broadcasts :) haha. I think it was over 600 stardollars worth of broadcasts. I only started sending them around 7pm and finished at 11.30pm so I was hoping I wasn't broadcasting to late in the day.

3. How has winning changed your stardoll life?
It's changed a fair bit :) I have heaps of really friendly comments in my guestbook, and have made a few new friends. You get those occasional rude people, who try and put you down though. This is the first time I've gone for covergirl, and I'm glad I won NCG.

4. What did you do when you found out?
Hahah, I jumped out of my desk chair and squealed! Hahaha, mum was like, 'Are you okay?!' and I said, 'I just won national covergirl!' and she said, 'what's that?...' Hahah! My sister new what I was talking about and wa* ****ted for me. It's a dream come true :) I've been on stardoll for a long time now, and winning has made me really happy :)

5. How did you find out you won?
Well, yesterday I came home from school and logged on straight away. I hadn't won NCG, and I was pretty upset (because I broadcasted the 26th of April). Then, I came home today, did my homework and what not, then I decided to go on stardoll, only to see my medoll on the cover of the magazine! I was so happy that all my broadcasting paid off :)

Thanks for interviewing me :) xoxox

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pet a porter

Just got the message of the dog one. It comes with a dark green carrier, identical to the light blue one. The dog dosent seem to have grown up yet so I wonder if this is just a glitch.? No freebies today but I will post if I find any.

Hackers Real Life

Stellexoxo3 offered 2400 free stardollars to anyone who sent their passwords to her and changed their email address to suppossedly hers. SethisDOOMED found proof of this as on Stellexoxo3's presentation this is what was shown...

This shows proof of her asking people to give her their passwords so she can hack them. Though for a hacker this is the simpelest whay to be reoprted and Lell1996 was not happy about this and reported her but to find out that someone had already reported her and her account was shut down. Even if they did give you 2400 stardollars your account would probably be closed down because stardoll can see your transactions and would notice you earned 2400 stardollars without paying stardoll anything.

Never fall into the trap of free money, its rarely or infact never true....

Hannah x

Interview with the Covergirl of suusievis - 27th April 2011

Okay so I was suppose to post this last night , BUT! I saw the mouse that is in my house atm , ew I know. I freaked out soo much!! I wouldn't let mum leave me alone nor did I get up of the lounge for several minutes so I was in rush to get upstairs. Get upstairs because I didn't want to sleep downstairs and forgot to grab my laptop :L
Today and yesterday’s Covergirl as you can tell is the beautiful suusievis. She was really nice and kind hearted and allowed me to interview her. She has a lovely suite and has been on Stardoll since 2006, she's sixteen and from Holland. You should check out her suite; She would love to hear from you and she will answer back asap. :)

I got a few pictures of her;

The Interview:

Hi Susanne how are you today? Just wondering if I could take a few minutes of your time to ask you a few quick questions about becoming Covergirl.

Hi Steph, I'm good thanks.

Firstly did you really expect to win the title of Covergirl or was it a massive shock?

Well, I tried, I did send a few broadcasts but I was expecting 5th or 4th ;) and not 1st ;P I was really happy!

How did you find out you had won and when in the day was it?

I saw it on 9:00 AM I came out bed and wanted to see which place ;) I didn't have the trophy yet, But I saw I was CG ;)

What was the first thing you did when you found out you had won Covergirl?

I answered my GB comments ;) and I jumped in my room xd

Has becoming Covergirl impacted your life on Stardoll now and into the future and if so how?

Don't know a little ;] I wanted to be CG for a long time, SO now,, I don't want it anymore cause I already was once ;)

Have you had many people like myself asking for a interview or am I the first one you’ve had so far?

You're the first one, but a lot of people ask to me how I became CG ;P

How are you handling being so popular with all the Guestbook comments and Friend requests at the moment?

I try to answer them as soon as possible ;) Cause else I need to answer time in once and then it becomes so much :O

How are you feeling about being interviewed right now?

I like this interview. I like that some people are interested in me =]

What did you do and take you to claim the title of Covergirl?

Well, I was 2nd on catwalk.. A lot of people where visiting me yesterday!

Is this your first time winning Covergirl or anything on Stardoll, if so please state.

Well, I was CG once with my other account (dafie_duck) but this is my original account and it makes me more happy ;) I won 4 times NCG before =p

Thank you for your time, and I wish you all the best in the future, and Congrats on Covergirl.


Thanks for interviewing me =]

Random Crap that needs to be said ;3

I see that we now have a awesome Formspring boxie thing, thanks to Liz. I'm trying to add in a few things tho it's not working and I'm getting frustrated with it :L I would like to introduce my other new role I decided to take up , doing Fashion Picks, I did Fashion Picks at previous blog I wrote for and thought that I wouldn't be pointless on the blog if I wore to do that. I'll start posting those soon and I do hope you find inspiration from them , and buy them! I've got some exciting news in my next post so I better finish this one off.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The name says it all!

If you are from Italy then click HERE and scroll down to click "Enter competition" for the rose, and click HERE to visit the cinema for the T-Shirt. If you are from anywhere else you'll need to use a proxy, go to (a proxy made by a stardoll member coolerphilip, cool eh?) (From USD)

For the rose paste this into the proxy url bar:

Hit enter and log into stardoll. Change 'view' to 'finish' or paste this:

Scroll down and click "Enter competition". For the T-Shirt paste this into the proxy url bar:

We are not at any liablitly for viruses, hack jobs are any ill fiting from using proxies.

And hotbuys for nest moths, all though they are a lot like LE I think these may be some of the nicest so far!

♥ Clary

Make-up Tutorial by Lizluz: #1

So here at The Life and Times of Stardoll, I've accepted the duties about everything there is to know about the Beauty Parlor. Today, I bring you a Make-up tutorial which I'm sure anybody would be able to do with of course trial and error.

Today, I'm going to do a tutorial on how to achieve this look:

Step 1:

So I've dyed my Medoll's hair a light lilac colour and I've changed her hair to a shorter style. This is so I can see all of the area around her eyes.

Step 2:

Apply White Liquid Eyeliner on the waterline of her eyes and into a sharp point at the ends. Notice I didn't apply the eyeliner along the lashline.

Step 3:

Apply Green Lengthening Mascara over all of the lashes and Green Volumising Mascara on the top lashes only.

Step 4:

Apply Purple Eyeshadow in small oval shapes above the eyelid. Try not to make the shape too large.

Step 5:

Add hints of Green Eyeshadow at the outer side of the eyelid.

Step 6:

This bit is a bit tricky, I just couldn't get it for a while xD.
Apply a darker blue Eye Pencil along the eyelid, so it overlaps the green and purple, kind of blending both of the colours together. Be careful you only get one or two layers of the blue as you don't really want it to stand out - you want it to blend the colours together.

Step 7:

Add Light Purple eye pencil on the inner eyelid, then overlap with white eyeshadow right in the corners so it fades to a whiter colour slightly in the corners.

Step 8:

Add a light pink lip colour (whichever of your choice) and apply Luxe lipgloss on top.

Step 9:

Add the blush of your choice. Make sure it is light in colour and you do not apply several layers. You don't want to have clown cheeks for this look.
I used a light pink blusher underneath and applied a rosier blusher on top to make the blusher more realistic.

Also add some white Kohl Liner on the inner corners of your eyes.

Step 10:

Chose a different hairstyle and accessories of your choice.

Tada~! You're done :3

Always try and use different colours to make your look different. Also try not to copy this look - instead, take ideas from it and make it your own :).

I hope you liked this, comment if you want more! ^-^
